Welcome Home

When I walked into Solace Yoga for the first time in 2022, I knew it was a special place. The studio immediately felt like home and I knew I wanted to be a part of it. I accepted an offer to teach a class and started teaching immediately. I watched the community steadily grow. I observed new students coming in the door for the first time and immediately relax because of the welcoming atmosphere. Students were running into people that they hadn’t seen since their children were in school together reconnecting and unfamiliar faces became everyday faces that were there ready to greet new students coming into the studio.

And so began the deepening of Solace Yoga Studio.

When I was laid off from my corporate job in August of 2023, the studio was there to welcome me back to start teaching yoga full time. The community continued to grow and I embraced everything and everyone that was a part of Solace Yoga. When I became the manager in October of 2023, I knew this studio would be a part of my life for a very long time.

When the doors closed unexpectedly this past October, I was heartbroken. Not just for me, but for the community who lost their yoga home. We were all in tears, wandering around a bit lost and not sure where to land.

The day after the closing, I went to take a yoga class at a different studio where one of my best friends taught. I cried through most of the class. After class was over, we sat on a curb outside of the studio and we talked about how lost I was and how concerned we both were for the future of Solace.

That’s when it happened. She planted a seed in me by saying “why don’t you offer to buy Solace?” I sat there stunned and speechless. Why had that thought not crossed my mind? I was so caught up in feeling sad and devastated that I really hadn’t thought about how to solve the problem. We went to lunch and came up with a game plan. I went home and told my husband that we had had lunch together and what we discussed and he was all in.

I had always dreamed about owning a yoga studio and never imagined that dream would be a possibility. I hit the ground running that same day and everything started falling into place organically. This dream was going to be a reality and I was determined to get the doors of Solace back open as soon as possible. With the support of family, my close friends that are my family, lots of sleepless nights, and long hours, we re-opened the doors of Solace Yoga by November 9th, our goal date!

The day of our re-opening, I held my husband’s hand in the car. I told I hadn’t been this nervous since we were driving to the hospital to have our first baby. My husband and daughter both said, you are having another baby in the form of a yoga studio! I was nervous people wouldn’t show up. I wanted everything to flow smoothly and for people to fall in love with the studio all over again and to love the space as much as I did. And it was a success! It was like a huge family reunion with both new and familiar faces hugging and greeting one another and coming together once again to take part in this beautiful practice of yoga.

I hope that some day you will find your way to Solace Yoga. That you will want to be a part of this amazing community of yogis and to experience how special this space is. And we will all be there to welcome you to your yoga home.

This post is dedicated to my amazing supportive husband Craig, my beautiful kids Lindsay and Daniel, my sister and brother-in-law Carrie and Leo, my framily and most of all the Solace Teachers and Students who stuck with us. And to Diane and Juan, without you, none of this would have been possible. I love you all!


Our Giving Tree