The Solace Logo

When I purchased Solace Yoga, I knew I wanted to create a logo that spoke to me and to the community. Under the guidance of my fabulous graphic designer, I started browsing through logos on Pinterest and had a few ideas. I knew I wanted to incorporate a flower or a plant as the logo because that is who I am. And then this one popped out and spoke to me. This was it. This was what I was looking for. A symbol that tells a story.

At first glance, the symbol looks like a tulip but as I looked deeper I saw the story I wanted Solace Yoga to represent. The outer body (tear drop) represents our bodies. The tulip inside represents our inner being. And just like flowers, the more we practice Yoga, the more our bodies change from our inner being and starts to show in outer being and we begin to blossom and grow. The change isn’t always easy but just like flowers we stand tall and strong and blossom even in hard times, sunny times or stormy times. Stand in your strength, be strong and be powerful!


Our Giving Tree